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Mission Statement

The mission of Farm Dat is to utilize efficient and ethical farming methods of various cultures to inspire a self-sufficient community made up of members on both a local and global scale who grow accessible, whole foods and farm in a way that protects, restores and sustains the natural environment and the health of surrounding communities.

Vision Statement

Farm Dat envisions ourselves in a position in which we can inform and inspire people on both a local and global scale through our unique integration of cultural exchange and education in sustainable farming practices and community engagement; thus making ours a premier farming and cultural resource to the local community and beyond.

Core Values

  • Excellence.

    We seek excellence in all endeavors, including but not limited to: teaching, research, performances, presentations, scholarship and outreach

  • Service.

    We believe service to the public to be our noble and worthy responsibility

  • Integrity.

    We are committed to truth and honesty in the pursuit of equitable, ethical and professional practice.

  • Sustainable farming practices.

    We believe that the stewardship of our natural resources is of the utmost importance.

  • Responsible and efficient use of all available resources.

    All farming/natural resources will be utilized, maintaining efficiency and sustainability.

  • Ethical care of animals.

    Livestock are cared for with intention and consistency. Humane practices are implemented with all decision making.

  • Cultural exchange.

    We recognize that we live in a global society in which exchange of knowledge, information, skills, techniques, etc. should be shared and maximized upon.

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Who is Ole Mack Ronald?

Ron “Ole Mack Ronald” Guidry Jr., is a native New Orleanian who was born and raised in Algiers. He is a proud alumnus of both the illustrious St. Augustine High School and Dillard University, from which he holds a degree in Communications. Putting his degree to use, Ron has enjoyed successful careers in radio and voice over acting as well as other fields in which he was able to hone his myriad of skills. Though everything he did served as a learning experience, he found himself wondering what he could do to make a living that he truly enjoyed. The answer came in the form of a five acre residence that he found himself with the opportunity to take over. The residence, now known as Farm Dat, has quickly grown into a haven and resource to those as close as New Orleans and as far as Cuba along with many other places around the world. Farm Dat provides a multitude of services which enable those who partake to become self-sufficient in the areas of sustainability, farming, gardening and much more…which aligns with one of Ron’s other passions, growing and sharing great food. So come on out and spend some time with Ole Mack Ronald at Farm Dat where there is always… “Enough to eat. Enough to sell. Enough to share”.